Adult Resources
Anxiety: A fantastic resource for adults and parents who are interested in self-help strategies for various anxiety disorders.
Panic Disorder
•10 Simple Solutions to Panic: How to overcome panic attacks, calm physical symptoms, and reclaim your life by Martin Antony & Randi McCabe (2004).
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
•Overcoming Obsessive Thoughts: How to gain control of your obsessive thoughts by Christine Purdon & David Clark (2005).
•Overcoming Compulsive Checking: Free your mind from OCD by Paul Munford (2004).
•Overcoming Compulsive Washing: Free your mind from OCD by Paul Munford (2005).
Social Anxiety
•10 Simple Solutions to Shyness: How to overcome shyness, social anxiety, and fear of public speaking by Martin Antony (2004).
•The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook: Proven, step-by-step techniques for overcoming your fear by Martin Antony & Richard Swinson (2008).
Generalized Anxiety (Worry)
•The Worry Cure: Seven steps to stop worry from stopping you by Robert Leahy (2006).
•The Worrier’s Guide to Overcoming Procrastination by Pamela Wiegartz & Kevin Gyoerkoe (2011).
Health Anxiety
•It’s Not All In Your Head: How worrying about your health could be making you sick, and what you can do about it by Gordon Asmundson & Steven Taylor (2005).
Pregnancy and Postpartum Anxiety
•The Pregnancy and Postpartum Anxiety Workbook: Practical skills to help you overcome anxiety, worry, panic attacks, obsessions and compulsions by Pamela Wiegartz & Kevin Gyoerkoe (2009).
•When Perfect Isn’t Good Enough: Strategies for coping with perfectionism by Martin Antony & Richard Swinson (2009).
•Mind Over Mood: Change how you feel by changing the way you think by Dennis Greenberger & Christine Padesky (1995).
•Your Depression Map: Charting your own course back to health by Randy Paterson (2002).
•The Feeling Good Handbook by David Burns (1999).
•Self-Esteem: A proven program of cognitive techniques for assessing, improving & maintaining your self-esteem by Matthew McKay & Patrick Fanning (2000).
Anger Management:
•The Anger Control Workbook: Simple, innovative techniques for managing anger and developing healthier ways of relating by Matthew McKay & Peter Rogers (2000).
•Quiet Your Mind and Get to Sleep: Solutions to insomnia for those with depression, anxiety, or chronic pain by Colleen Carney, Rachel Manber & Richard Bootzin (2009).
•How to Go On Living When Someone You Love Dies by Therese Rando (1991).
Parent Resources
•Freeing Your Child from Anxiety: Powerful, practical solutions to overcome your child’s fears, worries, and phobias by Tamar Chansky (2004).
•Helping your Anxious Child: A step-by-step guide for parents by Rapee, R.M., Spence, S.H., Cobham, V., & Wignall, A. (2000).
•Freeing Your Child from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A powerful, practical program for parents of children and adolescents by Tamar Chansky (2001).
•Talking Back to OCD: The program that helps kids and teens say “No way” - and parents say “Way to go” by John March (2006).
•Help for Hair Pullers: Understanding and coping with trichotillomania by Nancy Keuthen, Dan Stein & Gary Christensen (2001).
•Helping your Child with Selective Mutism: Practical steps to overcome a fear of speaking by Angela McHolm, Charles Cunningham, & Melanie Vanier (2005).
This is a wonderful site that contains informational videos and home toolkits
addressing specific types of anxiety. For example, you can find “How To”
documents on calm breathing, muscle relaxation, overcoming perfectionism,
realistic thinking (for younger children and teens), STOP plans, and a fear
thermometer to help you work with your anxious child.
Mood Problems:
•Freeing Your Child from Negative Thinking: Powerful, practical strategies to build a lifetime of resilience, flexibility, and happiness by Tamar Chansky (2008).
General Parenting:
•The Incredible Years: A troubleshooting guide for parents of children aged 3 to 8 by Carolyn Webster-Stratton (1992).
Child and Teen Resources
•What to Do When You Worry Too Much: A kid’s guide to overcoming anxiety by Dawn Huebner (2005). Ages 9 - 12.
•What to Do When Your Brain Gets Stuck: A kid’s guide to overcoming OCD by Dawn Huebner (2007). Ages 9 - 12.
•What to Do When you Dread Your Bed: A kid’s guide to overcoming problems with sleep by Dawn Huebner & Bonnie Matthews (2008). Ages 9 - 12.
•Taming Worry Dragons by Jane Garland & Sandra Clark (2000).
•Worry Taming for Teens by Jane Garland & Sandra Clark (2002).
•Perfectionism: What’s bad about being too good by Miriam Adderholdt-Elliott (1985). Teens.
Mood Problems:
•What to Do When you Grumble Too Much: A kid’s guide to overcoming negativity by Dawn Huebner & Bonnie Matthews (2006). Ages 9 - 12.
•Dealing with Depression: Antidepressant skills for teens by Dan Bilsker, Merv Gilbert, David Worling, & Jane Garland.
•Stick up for Yourself: Every kid’s guide to personal power and positive self-esteem by Gershen Kaufman, Lev Raphael, & Pamela Espeland (1999). Ages 9 - 12.